Winter Warmth “With Lemons”
We DO have a Winter here in Hawaii–and, I know, it is NOTHING like the cold temperatures that some of you get–it does allow us to have lovely fires in our fireplace and warm up our cold-cement-floored home. We love to snuggle up after dinner and read, or, just to talk.
While it has been chilly here (for us–it does get down into the 50’s, and sometimes high 40’s), this also brings out the best in our citrus and avocado trees. So, Aidan and I decided to finally DO something with all of the beautiful Meyer lemons that are burdening our trees.

We picked the best of the best–look at the size of some of these!
I posted before about a Vanilla Lime Curd I made (and then made some tartlets with a cream cheese crust, too), and so decided to start with a Vanilla Lemon Curd which I then made into a Vanilla White Chocolate Lemon Trifle (which started out as a layer cake, but I had an EPIC FAIL, which I will blog about on Friday).
So, cuddle up by a fire (if you have one) or a loved one, and stay warm!
P.S. Hope you all had a great Super Bowl Sunday! I will send the link for our 7 Layer Dip with Vanilla South West Hamburger on Wednesday that we made in individual cups for a party that everyone (except me!) went to. I stayed home and watched Downton Abbey!