Celebrating Emma’s 18th Birthday!

Bittersweet Birthday

Emma turned 18 last week. She is such a lovely person to be with. What I mean is, we look forward to just being with her. She is an incredibly gifted, creative person with a “bar-room” laugh (as Jim says, although, I don’t know what he could possibly be referring to, ahem). She loves indie music, Harry Potter, Jane Austen,The Lord of The Rings, reading, writing, coffee with cream, her brothers, her hair, painting, exploring–although not necessarily in that order. She does not like fruit, cleaning, conforming, soda or taking vitamins (we hope that the lack of carbonation will make up for the lack of fruit and vitamins).

We are loving being a part of her life and can’t wait to see all that will unfold. Our prayers for her continue to be that she will love the Lord more than anything else and that she will learn to be a true servant. We know that He has a plan for her and love to watch Him work through her, through her beautiful voice, her gift of music and laughter and watching her incredible relationships with her brothers.

Every year on their birthdays, the children get to choose what their birthday celebration dinner will be. Emma’s meal of choice? Chicken Cordon Bleu with a Vanilla White Wine Cream sauce over poppy seeded egg noodles with broccoli. The evening always concludes with a chocolate birthday cake with vanilla buttercream frosting. It was a fun evening. I had to include this photo to show how my boys shy away from the camera (haha).