Hot Buttered Vanilla-Rum Recipe

It has been cold and rainy on our mountain in Hawaii. I’m not complaining, but rather enjoying the change of pace. Sometimes, it is nice to have some “introspective weather”, as I call it. Jim is picking up some more firewood this afternoon to keep our cement-floored home toasty, while the snow piles up on Mauna Kea and we get the lower altitude cold rain. We know the sun will peek its rays out soon enough, so I’m going to snuggle up with Aidan and do a little school work, a little blog work and keep drinking hot, steaming beverages to stay warm.

Here’s a recipe to help warm you up on a cold Winter’s eve. This is the one we served at our sold-out event this past weekend,”Extend the Love Post-Valentine’s Dinner”. Sending you lots of warm vanilla hugs, xovox, Tracy

Hot Buttered Vanilla-Rum

***This makes a lot, but it keeps really well in the freezer. The perfect reason to invite friends over for a movie night (and it goes great with hot, buttered popcorn!)


1 lb. butter (I used unsalted)

1 lb. brown sugar

1 lb confectioners sugar

4 Cups Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (I always use Rosalani’s Hawaiian Vanilla Bean Ice Cream)

1 to 1 1/2 oz. Vanilla-Rum per serving

Whipped cream

Cinnamon, to sprinkle on top


Combine sugar and butter in a heavy bottomed pot over medium heat, stirring often until butter is melted, sugar is dissolved and the mixture is somewhat bubbly around the edges. Remove from heat and stir in ice cream. Allow to cool. I then poured this mixture into a plastic pitcher that I put in the freezer to keep until I was ready to serve it.

For serving a large crowd: I scooped out the entire amount and reheated it slowly in a large pot and re-pored it into the pitcher. For each serving, Jim measured into each glass an appropriate amount of Vanilla-Rum (we age ours in barrels), poured the glass or mug 1/4 full with the mixture and then filled the rest up with hot water from a kettle. Stir gently and top with whipped cream and cinnamon , if desired.

For individual servings: Scoop out about 1/4 – 1/3 Cup of the frozen mixture and put it in desired mug. Pour hot water over it and stir it up. Top with whipped cream and cinnamon, if desired.

Enjoy responsibly!

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