
Vanilla Mama Banana Bread

Aloha, Tracy, the Vanilla Mama here! I've included our classic banana bread recipe as well as a new modification. Try them both and let us know whi...

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Salty Sweet Vanilla Popcorn

Salty Sweet Vanilla Popcorn

  The Recipe Serves 3-4 people Add 1/2 cup of kernels in a heavy-bottomed pot with 1/2 cup of coconut oil and set on high heat. Shake occasional...

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Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Dates

Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Dates

A cozy and delicious crowd-pleaser for any Holiday event. This recipe features our Vanilla Maple Syrup included in the Infusion Set. Follow along f...

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Fire and Fearlessness

Fire and Fearlessness

What an incredible past week it has been for us here on the Farm!On this past Friday (6/4) I (Ian) was working on the Farm when I began to smell s...

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Delicious Geography!

It is finally time to announce the title of the book I have co-authored with my father—Delicious Geography: From Place To Plate. Hooray!!! It has b...

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Aloha Friends….

It has been a long time since I wrote last. It is because so much has happened. Jim’s Dad (we all called him Grandpa, or Pop) went to be with his H...

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New Babies Have Arrived!

There’s nothing quite like the feeling a proud parent experiences when their child is born. This will be the third time in my life that I’ve help g...

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A close call on the farm

I always believe that God is watching over us. This last week was a very scary one for our Son, Isaac Reddekopp. I had given Isaac the task of putt...

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